
60 minutes, EUR 150 | 90 minutes, EUR 190
A healthy form that connects body, mind and spirit based on ancient Indian massage techniques. After identifying the mood and biological constitution of our guest, the operator suggests the proper kind of massage using pleasantly warm herbal oils. It brings back well-being, relaxation, purification, regeneration and rejuvenation.
60 minutes, EUR 150
It is an ancient massage technique for relaxing head, neck and shoulder using warm herbal oils. It is ideal for relieving the mental confusion and fatigue. The oils are made of calming herbs that have a powerful stimulating effect on the brain, nerves and sensory organs. It helps to create mental clarity and invigorates the brain activity. It is recommended in the case of stress, insomnia and hair loss.

60 minutes, EUR 230
It is a deeply relaxing treatment for the mind: it relaxes and promotes the synchronization of the two brain lobes. Warm herbs enriched oils are poured in a gentle and continuous stream over the forehead. Then, it will be extended to the shoulders and the neck area.
50 minutes, EUR 140
It is a partial or whole body treatment, made with bundled cloth bowls warmed with steam or oil,filled with herbs (kizhi), herbal powder (churna kizhi), fried leaves (ela kizhi) or with sand (manala kizhi). Depending on the necessary treatment, our guest may be instructed to inhale herbal steam.
It is recommended to repeat this treatment for a minimum of four consecutive times. This treatment is also recommended in the presence of problems such as inflammation, arthritis, neck or spinal column pains.

80 minutes, EUR 160
Nasya massage is designed to clean the head from impure energies and is recommended for the decongestion of the the sinuses. It also stimulatesthe healthy flow of energy in the head and in the neck area. The massage works as a facial lymphatic massage made with warm oil, followed by the deep inhaling of aromatic steam and the use of nose drops enriched with the herb Nasya. It is a great treatment for those bombarded by sensory stimulants, exposed to constant pressure and daily pollution. The massage reliefs chronic head and neck problems, including allergies, headaches, asthma and eye oversensitivity.
25 minutes, EUR 40
An extremely efficient partial treatment to ease the joint and muscular pain and can be successfully treated also on other body parts. The slightly heated medicated oil is slowly poured inside the ring made of black gram paste in order to deep the oil contained on the specific area. The oil is continuously poured, wiping out the old oil and softly replacing it with a fresh, warm one. Vasti can be performed on different parts of the body.

Local application of warm oil on the lumbar zone.
NETRA (netra tarpanam) VASTI
Local application of warm ghee around the eyes.
Local application of warm oil on the cervical zone.
Local application of warm oil on the knees.